Fabien Legue – DEATH DECLINE Solar Artists

The last founding member of French thrash death metal band “Death Decline”, Fabien LEGUÉ first set foot on stage with his own band, Deepwater, before to join the war machine Death Decline in 2011.

Inspired with powerful guitar play, velocity and armed with V guitars, Fab draws his influences from the Bay Area Thrash scene and the founding fathers of Heavy Metal.

After Death Decline’s EP and a successful first album “Built For Sin” which set the foundations of the band’s sound, they unleashed their second attack “The Thousand Faces Of Lies” in 2018.

The song “Useless Sacrifice” featured in the US show SOUTH PARK, hits 10 millions on youtube, opening the international gates to the band.

In november 2021 Death Decline released their third album “The Silent Path”, wich reaffirms the band legitimacy in the French Metal scene and open brand new horizons to international stages.

Teaming up with Solar brand will be the best way for Fab to experiment his own vision of the Metal sphere.



Fabien Legue – DEATH DECLINE On social media
